Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Walking Slowly With Love

Today's Proverb has me quiet and repentant. I am impatient and I expect everyone around me to be able to read my mind and know where my thoughts are going.
Meanwhile, my mom is getting older. I lost my Dad in 2015.
I find myself getting frustrated with my mom when she forgets some things or doesn't connect the dots as quickly as I need. When she looks at me and says, "Why are you so frustrated with me? You will get old one day.", I can feel my light being snuffed out. I can feel joy dissipate into the ethers as I look at the women who I adore.
Oh Lord, why do I rush through my day without love? What is the sense in it? Why do anything if it is served in impatience and rushing?
The Lord slowed me down when my ankle shattered. I entered into my mother's world of walkers and scooters and handicap parking. I got to experience a little bit of life through her eyes. Wasn't it just yesterday that I proclaimed, "Just because I can walk, doesn't mean I am called to?"
I am a thick soul in constant need of a Savior, as He teaches me day in and day out through these Proverbs. I know this today, I am not released to run, to run over people or over circumstances. I am called to walk slowly and with great intentionality. Thank you Lord for continuing to teach me...and Mom ----> I adore you, I am sorry. <3

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